Design Sprint

Months of work, in just 4 days.

A Google Design Sprints guides you to find a validated solution to your challenge and align your team around it.

Design Sprint

✓ Elevate your team to peak performance and creativity.

✓ Get the best ideas on the table.

✓ Validate a prototype with your (potential) customers.

✓ strategically navigate your next step with confidence.

The Design Sprint is a globally used methodology embraced by leading innovators such as Google, Microsoft and Uber.”


Many ideas fail because they are based on assumptions.

A Google Design Sprint helps your team to rapidly explore diverse solutions to your challenge. It’s proven to elevate success rates by up to 400%.


Take a small team (5-7 people), clear their schedule for about a week and rapidly progress from challenge to a tested solution using a proven step-by-step method, professionaly facilitated by me.

The value of a facilitator

Hiring me for your Design Sprint ensures a well-managed, efficient, and outcome-driven experience.

Conducting a sprint without a facilitator may lead to challenges such as potential biases, groupthink, and difficulty in in managing logistics, time, and conflicts. This hinders the structured progress of the creative process and compromises the strength of the final outcome.

6 reasons to do a Design Sprint:

📉 Improve your product or service results

🚀 Innovate your product or service

🤔 Gain confidence in executing an idea or strategy

🤝 Align your team effectively

🤐 Escape from endless meetings

💡 Challenge your team with creative thinking

Or tackling another challenge?

Book a free 1-hour workshop to explore whether a Design Sprint is the right fit for your team.

Benefits of a Design Sprint:

The 5 steps of a Design Sprint:

1. Emphatize

Decide on a goal and a map out the challenge

2. Define

Sketch competing solutions

3. Ideate

Decide on the best idea(s)

4. Prototype

Build a realistic prototype

5. Test

Test with target customers

The methodology behind it:

Created by Google

Designer Jake Knapp created the five-day process at Google, where sprints were used on everything from Google Search to Google X

In addition to Google, Design Sprints have been run by teams at Slack, Uber, Airbnb, Medium, Dropbox, Facebook, McKinsey, IDEO, LEGO, the United Nations, the New York Times, and many, many more.

View de Design Sprint process in 90-seconds.

Up for a trial experience?